They came, said: hi; hello; how are you?, and promptly left.
One minute its all good and nostalgic, the other, its already Monday. I guess time does fly when you're having fun. Sigh.
So the verdict on the
Alumni Weekend ? A success. :)
Here's a summary of the many events held during the wonderful almost two whole days:
1) It was decided during the alumni's AGM by a two-thirds majority that the name AKMATYS be changed to AKYUEM (pronounced Aa-Qeoom) to coincide with the equally ugly new college name.
2) An alternative prospectus produced by
UKEC was distibuted containing students' views of their own university, particularly to issues pertaining to Malaysian's students needs. These include the Malaysian Games Carnival, best places to get halal food and the many Malaysian Students Societies available.
3) Having met some of the super (super x n) seniors from the London universities, a majority of my batchmates have converted and shed their misconceptions (
really?) of the many perils associated with big city life. In the same vein, a few others have either confirmed or retracted their decision to apply to Oxbridge. Thank you Seniors for the University Talk.
4) The students lost the Football match against the Alumni but got back their pride with a comfortable win in b-ball. The other matches that were played included Badminton, Netball and Table Tennis.
5) The Weekend culminated with the Alumni Dinner (of which the Student Council were invited, and subsequently felt out of place. But I guess we're probably going to be joining them next year anyway.) This is where the teachers and (ex-) students can sit down and catch up on old gossip. Like who's married and who received that first class degree. You know, things like that.
6) Speaking on marriage, 3 senior couples tied the knot on Saturday (which was why there weren't any activites on Saturday night.) And two of the couples had met here in this college. How sweet. :)
7) Did I mention I met some of the coolest seniors ? They came in all shapes and sizes; some spoke with funny accents, most had long hair (especially the guys) and almost all are top students in their respective varsities. There were great SC presidents, everlasting couples, certified geniuses and the odd troublemaker or two. All have been touched by this melting pot we call home (which others still
adamantly refer to as KMYS.)
As I said earlier, it was a success. Kudos to AKMATYS (or rather, AKYUEM)! Thanks once again and hopefully we'll see you guys next year :)