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Saturday, March 26, 2005
WMD not found.

That's right. Give up your search. You won't find any Writings of Mass Displeasure (WMD) anywhere on this site. I should know, since I just combed through it a few hours ago.

A pre-emptive defense maneuver, no less.


A week back, my very very good friend's blog was raided by writing inspectors from the Teaching Staff of the college. One of his entries was found to be highly insulting to some and he got in really hot soup.

I heard that one of the teachers saw the article, printed it out and showed his co-workers.

It apparently went all the way up the chain of command. To the Board of Governors.

To them, it tarnished "the Corporate Image" of UEMW.

To make matters worse, Pn Rog informed his sponsor, PETRONAS, about the incident.

Now they're all asking for his blood.

I'm probably overdramatizing everything, but this goes to show how blogging can get you into a whole lot of trouble.

And that teachers have nothing better to do during the hols than read students' blogs. Oh I mean that in a joking manner by the way. No insult intended. Really. =)


The incident sent shockwaves through the blogging community of KYUEM. We thought these things only happened in the US. Not so much because we're a more open and accepting society (haha. far from it, IMO.), but more because we're naive enough to believe that nobody cares about what we write in cyberspace.

So what DID he write, at this point you will wonder. No, he DID NOT write that VERITAS article that sailed a thousand warships. I will not touch the subject matter since he himself has deleted the said entry.

All he did was voice his opinion about certain things in college. His PERSONAL OPINION. As far as I know, he did not engage in anything subversive worthy of an ISA-detention. Nor did he break any college laws regarding blogging ethics. Wait, the college DOES NOT have any laws regarding blogging, or any other net services for that matter. (unless you count the notice which bans surfing for pornography on the RC computers. heh.)

See what I mean? where does one's induction into college life (or should I say Corporate Culture?) end and personal space begin?

My buddy does not hate the college, I can guarantee you that. Heck, we've had the greatest times of our lives here. But it so happens that the college isn't perfect (a fact I've repeated myself many times before). And that he happens to have an opinion on those things. And he posted those opinions online.

I may not even agree with what my buddy wrote. And in fact I have contrasting opinions on some issues. But that's the beauty of free speech afforded to us by the internet. I don't have to agree with them. I can have MY OWN opinion and post it online as I darn well please.

And I don't agree with the college punishing us for what we write either. They can snoop around all they want. That's right, by all means, read our blogs; that's why we bother to write anyway. Read till your eyes fall out. But dooce* us, never.

Remember that these are our personal opinions and they are posted on our personal blogs. If you think any different, go publish your own. ( is a good place to start.)

Otherwise, just. shut. up.

*the term Dooce means to get fired from your job because of blogging. More! I wonder whether anyone has ever been kicked out of a school because of blogging. haha. In all arrogance, I'd certainly like to see them try. =)